Salon/Spa Management System
Manage your spa/salon in just a few clicks. Salon/Spa Management System makes it very easy for you to set up appointments, manage customers, sales, send out appointment and other notifications, and keep track of all other operations.
Manage your spa/salon in just a few clicks. Salon/Spa Management System makes it very easy for you to set up appointments, manage customers, sales, send out appointment and other notifications, and keep track of all other operations.
Main Features
Main Features
- Dashboard
- Shop Details
- Category
- Item Information
- Barcode Generate
- Stock
- Customer Information
- Employee Information
- Expenditure Overhead
- Daily Expenses Voucher
- Schedule Appointments
- Appointment Calendar
- Appointment SMS
- Point Of Sales
- Email Setting (SMTP)
- SMS API Setting
- Loyalty Rewards
- SMS Broadcasting
- Email Send
- User Registration
- Permission
- User Audit Log
- Password Change
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