

AccountPlus is an expense management system developed using C# .NET technology. This program has been specially designed for beginners and intermediate level programmers to understand the concepts and implementation of Software Development Life Cycle.



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AccountPlus is an expense management system developed using C# .NET technology. This program has been specially designed for beginners and intermediate level programmers to understand the concepts and implementation of Software Development Life Cycle.

After going through this code, you'll better understand:

  • Implementation of Data Access Layer which supports multiple databases
  • Global Logging/ Tracing using log4Net
  • Better use of .NET winform controls
  • Globalization and localization
  • Componentization of any application.
  • Use of XML
  • Design Pattern (Used in Data Access Layer)

AccountPlus can also be used for shared account/expense management with proper reporting and general analytics.

System Block Diagram

These are the 3 main layers it's structured into for separation of concerns and robust operations:
  • User Interface Layer
  • Business Layer
  • Data Access Layer

It also supports MS Access, MySql, Oracle, SQL Server and even more Databases, based on its architectural design.

Isn't that great folks? Oh yes, it is! Haha


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