Gym Management System
Gym Management System is a simple desktop application developed using C# Language for beginners. The Project is based on the concept of managing gym member and equipment record.
Gym Management System is a simple desktop application developed using C# Language. The Project is based on the concept of managing gym member and equipment record. Talking about the system, a user has to pass through a login system for using its features. A user can manage the member’s record by providing the member’s name, mother’s name, gender, address, contact details, join date, membership
The user can also add new staff records by providing name, contact details, join date and so on. All gym equipment details can be set easily which includes equipment name, description, the muscle used and cost. The user can also easily search members detail and remove their data.
Design of the project is very simple so that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it. This project uses an external file as a database. Gym Management System project helps in the management of gym details. To run this project you must have installed Visual Studio IDE on your PC.