
Document Management System

Document Management System (DMS) is a multi-functional complete web application developed using ASP.NET Core 5.0 and EF Core code first technology. This web application enables you to manage all kinds of document with proper history, add interactive comment and along with a dynamic dashboard.



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System Overview
Document Management System (DMS) is a multi-functional complete web application developed using ASP.NET Core 5.0 and EF Core code first technology.

This web application enables you to manage all kinds of document with proper history, add interactive comment and along with a dynamic dashboard.

You can organizations store, track, modify, and manage documents on a centralized platform. Features include document sharing, add new comment, user management, bulk page access permissions, document download, and document preview, send document through email, document proper history etc.

It stores all types of documents in encrypted form on the server, and allows you to upload multiple documents and share with unlimited system users.

Admin can view, upload, edit, delete, add files and control user all access.

Core Features
Manage Documents
You can Store unlimited documents by category and assigned them to the system user, and system users can add interactive comments as well.
Dynamic dashboard with pie-chart, recent user, and others totals. You can see category-wise documents statistics.
Upload Documents
You can upload any type of document, download document, and view accordingly.
Encrypted Document
All documents stored in encrypted form on the database. You have two options to store files in the server which are database and root directory. Only the system can decrypt documents.
Document History
For any action in the document flow has been recorded as document history. Ex, create a new document, add a new comment, download document, assign document, etc.
Admin LTE Theme
Used excellent and responsive theme. It provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.
Easily manage the app with settings for logo, categories, status, custom page access, and identity option.
User & Role Management
Admin can manage user and page access to other users in the system. Default users can access only a few pages.
Full Source Code
You will get the full Source Code of the Document Management System and build a version for MSSQL/MySQL database connection support. Along with source code, you will get detailed tech documentation on how to run the project.
Much More
User login history, user management, email configuration, nice responsive UI.
Core Feature:
1. Manage all documents dynamically.
2. Encryption and Decryption to secure the document
3. Comment, Assign to the user, Share using email, History, Download, and View
4. Document share using email as an attachment
5. All types of document viewer and download
6. Comment on a document by a user
7. Document proper history
8. Real-time comment notification
9. Dynamic dashboard
10. User Management
11. Email configuration
12. Custom page access for the user
Technical Features
1. ASP.NET Core 5.0
2. EF Core code first
3. Identity Core
5. Partial page update CRUD operation
6. Razor and jQuery for FE
7. jQuery DataTable for faster data load
8. Sweet Alert2 and Toaster notification
9. select2 dropdown
10. ASP.NET Core MVC Architecture
11. Swagger for API documentation
12. Dependency Injection
13. Standard Naming conventions
14. JWT Token Based Authentication and Claim Based Authorization
15. All Methods are Async/Await
16. SignalR
17. CORS Settings
18. Docker Support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 or later, ASP.NET Core 5.0, Identity Core, Entity Framework Code First, MSSQL SERVER 2017/MySQL, AdminLTE 3.0.5, JavaScript, jQuery data table, bootstrap 4, sweetalert, toastr, Fontawesome etc.
Prerequisite Application:
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 or later, .Net Core 5.0, MS SQL SERVER 2017/MySQL, IIS, Chrome/Edge Browser.


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